首页> 中文期刊>敦煌研究 >甘肃省博物馆收藏的一件未刊北朝残塔




甘肃省博物馆藏有一座北朝石质残塔。该塔不仅没有纪年铭文和出土记录,而且从未刊布与公开展出过。根据残塔的佛龛样式与造像风格,可推定其年代为西魏至北周时期。其风格样式乃至细部特征与甘肃天水秦安一带的石刻造像极为接近,故可推定该塔出土于天水地区。甘肃留存至今的北朝梯形叠垒石塔不多,故该塔虽残,但具有珍贵的学术和艺术价值。%This paper discusses an incomplete stone pagoda of the Northern Dynasties collected in Gansu Provincial Museum that has never yet been displayed or studied. There are no dated inscriptions or information about how it was unearthed, though the style of the images and niches suggest it should date back to the Western Wei and Northern Zhou period. As far as the style and detailed features are concerned, the pagoda is very similar to stone sculptures found in Qin’an and Tianshui, Gansu Province. It is therefore supposed to have been unearthed in Tianshui. As there are not many surviving pagodas of this kind from the Northern Dynasties in Gansu, this artifact is of significant academic and artistic value.



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