首页> 中文期刊>敦煌研究 >马达汉西域考察研究综述




马达汉西域考察是近代外国来华探险家的一次重要的考察活动,在国内却鲜为人知。国内关于马达汉西域考察的研究肇始于20世纪末,进入21世纪后,随着马达汉相关著作的翻译出版,国内学者对马达汉及其西域考察的研究逐步展开,马达汉新疆考察国际研讨会的召开则对马达汉西域考察研究起到了重要的推动作用。国外对于马达汉西域考察的研究起步较早,哈里·哈伦等芬兰学者从考察的多个方面对此次考察进行了深入研究。但限于条件,笔者对于国外研究成果所见不多,因而论文以介绍国内研究情况为主。%Few Chinese people know about the Finnish explorer Mannerheim's expedition in the Western Regions, an important expedition conducted by a foreign explorer in Chinathat began to receive research atten-tion at the end of the 20th century. With the translation and publication of Mannerheim’s works and related documents in the 21st century, Chinese scholars have gradually investigated the explorer Mannerheim and his expedition in the Western Regions. The International Conference on Mannerheim’s Expedition in Xinjiang has greatly promoted this research. This research started earlier in foreign countries than in China and Finnish scholars have studied Mannerheim’s expedition quite thoroughly. Because the author cannot obtain much of the foreign research results due to limited conditions,this paper mainly introduces the research on Mannerheim conducted in China.



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