首页> 中文期刊>敦煌研究 >再论敦煌石窟中的于阗国王与皇后及公主画像——从莫高窟第4窟于阗供养人像谈起




The donor figures painted on the south side of the entrance wall in Mogao cave 4 are the King and Queen of Khotan,namely Vi(s)'(S)ūra and his wife Lady Yin,accompanied by two princesses and two maidser-vants.The portrait of the same couple is also painted on the northern wall of the entrance corridor in Yulin Cave 31.Other donors in Han Chinese costumes located in Mogao cave 4 are all relatives of the Yin family,leading to the conclusion that this cave was likely a temple of the Yin jointly built by the royal family of Khotan and the Yin family at Dunhuang.This paper proposes that both caves were built during the early Northern Song dynasty following the rise of Viaūra when he became the king of Khotan.%莫高窟第4窟东壁门南于阗皇室供养人画像的身份分别是于阗国王尉迟苏罗及其皇后阴氏、两位于阗公主及两位婢女.榆林窟第31窟甬道北壁所绘的男女供养人像也是尉迟苏罗与阴氏夫妇.莫高窟第4窟内其他汉装男女供养人像可能均为敦煌阴氏家族的成员,此窟可能是于阗皇室与阴氏家族共同开凿的一个洞窟.莫高窟第4窟与榆林窟第31窟建成的时间,都在北宋初期尉迟苏罗继位为于阗国王之后.



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