首页> 中文期刊>当代医学 >高通量透析对维持性血液透析患者钙、磷代谢影响分析




目的分析高通量透析方式对维持性血液透析(MHD)患者的钙、磷代谢功能影响。方法选取2007年11月-2012年11月惠州市惠阳区人民医院收治的MHD患者70例,分为两组。观察组采用高通量方式透析,对照组采用低通量方式透析,对比两组透析前和透析1、6、12个月后的血钙、血磷水平及Scr(血肌酐)、ALB(血清白蛋白)和PHT(甲状旁腺腺激素)水平变化情况。结果透析前,两组在血钙、血磷水平及Scr、ALB和PHT水平上均无显著差别(P>0.05);透析后,观察组患者血钙水平升高更明显,血磷水平降低更明显;同时Scr、ALB和PHT的变化均更明显(P<0.05)。结论高通量透析方式对MHD患者的钙、磷代谢功能改善效果更显著,透析更为安全有效,值得推广应用。%Objective To analyse the effects of high lfux hemodialysis in calcium, phosphorus metabolic of patients cured by maintenance hemodialysis dialysis.Methods 70 cases of MHD patients were selected and divided into two groups, the patients of the observation group patients dialysed with high flux method,the patients of the observation group patients dialysed with low flux method,then compared the level of blood calcium、blood phosphorus、Scr、ALBand PHT of the two groups before dialysis and 1、6、12 months after dialysis.Results Before dialysis,there had no signiifcant difference between the two groups on the level of blood calcium、blood phosphorus、Scr、ALBand PHT;After dialysis,the level of blood calcium of the observation group rised more apparently,and the level of blood phosphorus reduced more obviously;At the same time,the level of Scr、ALBand PHT of the observation group all changed more obviously(P<0.05).Conclusion The improving effect of calcium and phosphorus metabolism of maintenance hemodialysis dialysis patients used high lfux dialysis method is more obvious and more safe and effective, the clinicalca applicate widely.



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