首页> 中文期刊>当代教育与文化 >学前教育专业治理与结构调整探析




当前我国学前教育在得以高度重视和大力发展的同时,也存在着诸多隐忧,尤其是在学前教育专业建设与发展方面,存在着盲目办学、供需脱节等突出问题与矛盾,对我国学前教育事业的健康可持续发展有着严重的消极性滞后影响,亟待科学的顶层设计与有效治理来加以督导和规范。教育行政部门应在对我国学前教育专业人才需求的全方位预测基础上,综合考虑城乡统筹与均衡发展的现实状况,对学前教育专业进行科学合理的设计与布局,并对现有的专业办学结构进行适当的调整。%Currently preschool education in China attaches great importance to and develops vigorously , but there are a lot of concerns at the same time . Especially in the area of preschool education professional construction and development , there is a blind , the chasm between supply and demand of running such outstanding problems and contradictions , to the healthy and sustainable development of the preschool education in China has a serious negative lag effect , to be scientific design and effective management to the top of the steering and specification . Education administrative department should be in preschool education major in China based on the comprehensive prediction of talents demand , considering the reality of balanced development of urban and rural areas as a whole and , on pre-school education professional scientific and reasonable design and layout , and appropriately adjust the structure of the existing professional education .



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