首页> 中文期刊>当代教育与文化 >什么是公民教育




In practice , the civic education w hich is to cultivate citizens , bring up citizenship , and to shape civic virtues will be affected by the changes of some related concepts as citizens 、citizenship and so on . At the same time , the civic education as a kind of special educational activity , naturally , will change with the development of the education thoughts and ideas . On the one hand ,civic education is just a way to make good citizens ;on the other hand , civic education is just one aspect of education functions . However ,in any case , citizens are not only need to be educated , but also can be educated . So the ultimate ideal of the civic education inevitably point to the human good life .%实践中,以培养公民、造就公民身份、塑造公民道德为指向的公民教育不可避免地会受到公民、公民身份等相关概念内涵变化的影响。同时,公民教育作为一种特殊的教育活动,自然也会伴随教育思想、教育理念的发展变化而变化。一方面公民教育只是造就公民的一种途径,另一方面公民教育也只是教育功能的一个方面。不过,无论如何,公民都不但需要教育,而且可以教育。公民教育的终极理想必然指向人类的善好生活。



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