首页> 中文期刊>计算技术与自动化 >电力数据通信网端到端网络主动测量系统的设计与实现




With the fast development of Hunan China Grid Data communication network ,the active end-to-end network measurement approach becomes more and more important to network management .Traditional SNMP or NETFLOW based passive measurement method cannot get the important network metrics such as available bandwidth ,HTTP download time , POP3 mail receiving response time and so on ,which are closely related to user experience .There are a lot of applications of large scale active network measurement systems in other countries ,but quite rare in China .In order to improve the overall op-eration and maintenance quality of Hunan China Grid Data communication network and implement the end-to-end active net-work measurement technique ,this paper designs and implements an active network measurement system on the network .The system architecture ,the task scheduling method ,the probe design ,the system deployment methods are proposed in detail . The actual measurement results show that the system can provide accurate and effective measurement results which have im -portant reference value for network optimization and network upgrading .%随着湖南电力数据通信网的迅速发展,端到端的网络测量方法对于网络运维越来越显重要.传统基于SNMP和NETFLOW的被动测量手段不能获得与用户体验密切相关的重要网络参数如可用带宽 、HTTP首页下载时间 、POP3邮件接收响应时间等.大规模网络主动测量系统在国外有不少应用,在国内尚无较大规模应用的案例.为了提高湖南电力数据通信网整体运维水平,实现端到端的网络测量技术,文中设计并实现了电力数据通信网端到端网络主动测量系统.文中对系统的体系结构 、任务调度方法 、探针设计 、系统的部署方法等进行了详细论述.该系统的实际测量结果表明,该系统可以提供准确和有效的测量结果,测量结果对网络优化和网络改造具有重要的参考价值.



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