首页> 中文期刊> 《计算机仿真》 >自由装填式组合药柱结构完整性分析




There is definite gap between free loading solid rocket mix grain/inhibitor and case. During solid rocket motor works, internal surface of mix grain is acted on uniform pressure, but pressure inside gap is increasing to maximum at different rate. Based on linear viscoelasticity, the structure integrity analysis of mix grain was studied on two limit cases. Results show that max vonmises strain of mix grain considering pressure inside gap is greater than which without considering pressure inside gap. Because the pressurization process is unstable and difficult to simulate , pressure inside gap can be neglected on structure integrity analysis of free loading solid rocket grain, and the results are safer.%关于推进剂组合药柱结构优化设计问题,由于自由装填式组合药柱/包覆层与发动机壳体间存在一定的间隙,发动机工作时组合药柱内表面承受均匀内压,而间隙内的压强则以不同速率增加至最大值.由于药柱存在应力应变集中区域,试车中容易发生爆炸.为此提出线粘弹性有限元法,研究了间隙内有无压强两种极端情况下的组合药柱的结构完整性.仿真结果表明间隙无压强时组合药柱的最大米赛斯应变要大于有压强的结果,于间隙内不稳定增压过程动态变化且难以数值仿真,对于自由装填式组合药柱在进行结构完整性设计时,可按照间隙内无压强进行考核,可提高结构的安全裕度.



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