首页> 中文期刊>计算机科学 >复杂网络上相继故障研究综述




On complex networks,large-scale cascading failures that are triggered by some small disturbances can lead to disastrous consequences. In order to satisfy demand of the people on the security and reliability of complex networks related to the national economy and people's livelihood, the study on cascading failures on complex networks becomes a hot branch of complex networks research in recent years. The theoretical modeling is the basic and key problem for a-nalysis, prevention and control of cascading failures. Main developments of cascading failures on complex networks were surveyed,mainly including several types of cascading failures models and the relevant research results. Both the existing problems at present and the development trend were pointed out.%在复杂网络上,由微小扰动引发的大规模相继故障会导致灾难性后果.为了满足人们对各种关乎国计民生的复杂网络的安全性和可靠性的要求,复杂网络上相继故障研究成为近年来复杂网络研究的热点分支.对相继故障的理论建模是分析、预防和控制相继故障的基础和关键.综述了复杂网络上相继故障的研究进展,主要包括几类相继故障模型及相关的研究结果,并指出目前研究中存在的问题及今后的发展趋势.



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