首页> 中文期刊>计算机集成制造系统 >考虑消费者行为的闭环供应链定价和服务水平决策及协调




考虑消费者购买行为,运用博弈理论探讨了集中化、分散化制造商主导型和零售商主导型闭环供应链下新产品和再制造产品的定价和服务水平决策及协调问题.研究表明:①制造商主导型的新产品和再制造产品定价及再制造产品服务水平均高于零售商主导型,而新产品的服务水平低于零售商主导型.②主导者具有更强的议价优势,获得的收益更高.零售商主导型获得的总收益高于制造商主导型,但都低于集中化决策,表现出双重边际效应.③消费者认可度和再制造能力对再制造产品的销售和企业的收益具有正向影响.收益共享契约和两部收费制契约机制分别地协调了制造商主导型和零售商主导型闭环供应链,提高了系统的绩效和企业的收益.%By considering the customer purchasing behaviors,the pricing strategies and service level decisions as well as coordination problems existed in manufacturer-dominant and retailer-dominant closed-loop supply chain under centralization and centralization were explored respectively with game theory.The results showed that the pricing of new and remanufactured products as well as the service level of remanufactured products in manufacturer-dominated occasion were higher than those in the retailer-dominated while the service level of new products was lower;negotiation power could assist a dominate player to gain higher profits,and the total profit of the retailer-dominated was higher than that of the manufacturer-dominated,yet neither of them exceeded centralized decisions,which indicated a double marginalization effect;customers' recognition and remanufacturing capability had positive influence on the sales of remanufactured products and firms' profit.As a consequence,a revenue sharing contract was used to coordinate manufacturer-dominant closed-loop supply chain and a two-part contract was suggested to coordinate retailerdominant closed-loop supply chain so as to improve system performance and increase a firm's profits.



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