首页> 中文期刊> 《计算机工程》 >基于模糊理论的一对多自动谈判协调策略




Because negotiators have to wait each other in the course of negotiation, so the one-to-many automated negotiation is inefficiency. In order to reach the best agreement in the least time for the negotiators, this paper proposes a coordination strategy based on fuzzy theory which can make the course continuative. Taking advantage of the coordinating Agent, this strategy can create and pull out the negotiation threads flexibility and in the course of negotiation, it updates the believes of the negotiators, so this strategy supports the continuous negotiation in open and dynamic environment and increases the efficiency substantially. Experimental result shows that the negotiation time and utility are optimized in the negotiations progress.%针对一对多自动谈判参与各方在谈判过程中因为相互等待而效率低下的问题,提出一种能使谈判过程连续化的基于模糊的协调策略,以达到在尽可能少的时间内得到最满意协议的目的.该策略通过协调Agcnt灵活地创建和撤离新的谈判线程并在谈判过程中不断更新谈判的信念值进而支持连续谈判,满足开放和动态的谈判环境,提高谈判效率.模拟实验表明,该策略能够对谈判效用和时间进行优化,具有有效性和实用性.



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