首页> 中文期刊>重庆医学 >对比3种人工复合材料修复骨缺损实验研究




Objective To compare the osteoinductive activity by the way of the experiment of repairing bone defects with nano hydroxyapatite and polyamide-66 composite, mean while with polymethylmethacrylate and calcium phosphate cement as matched control. Methods Forty eight New Zealand rabbits were classified randomly into three groups:A ,B and C,every group had 16 rabbits. The Condyle of tibia was performed boring which was 3 mm diameter and 5 mm depth. In group A,B and C,n-HA/PA66 composite,PMMA and CPC were implanted dividedly by means of every two materials in every rabbit of one group. The specimens were taken respectively in different times : 2nd , 4 th,6th, 8th , 12th week after surgery, and were examined by the methods of plain roentgenography,hisology and biomechanical testing in vitro. Finally the collected data was analyzed using SAS8. 0 software. Results (1) The histology showed that every group was forming a layer of interface membrane. From the 4th week,The interface membrane on the hand of n-HA/PA66 composite had been widest and revolved the n-HA/PA66 composite partly where the number of cells was increasing. Till the 12th week,there were some bone trabecula formed and the HA was separated into small islands,more osteoclasts appeared. The material of PMMA was never involved,and at the 12th week,the interface membrane transformated into fibrous membrane. On the side of CPC,it was from 6th week that the number of osteoblast,osteoclast and the primitive bone trabecula were increasing gradually and quickly, while the number of inflammatory cells decreased. (2) X-ray : there were more bony generation on the side of n- HA/PA66 than the other two , happening earlier too. ( 3) Biomechanical testing in vitro : in the vertical compression testing , the maximum loading among 3 materials was no significant difference( P> 0. 05) . Conclusion The experimental results show that the n-HA/PA66 Composite has the attribute of good biocompatility and osteoconductibity, which can be manifested by plain roentgenography.%目的 对比研究3种人工骨复合材料[纳米羟基磷灰石/聚酰胺66(n-HA/PA66)复合材料、瑞邦骨泰(CPC)、医用骨水泥Ⅱ(PMMA)]修复骨缺损的效果,为临床骨缺损修复材料的合理选择提供实验依据.方法 将48只新西兰大白兔随机分为3组,每组16只.行双侧胫骨髁钻孔,3组中每只兔子双侧分别植入n-HA/PA66复合材料、PMMA和CPC.术后各时间点摄数字化X线片(DR),并取材进行组织学观察和力学检测.结果 (1)组织学观察:n-HA/PA66复合材料植入侧在4~12周时,逐步有骨小梁形成长入,材料被分隔成小岛,可见大量成骨细胞及破骨细胞;PMMA植入侧材料始终未被包绕,界膜内细胞形成纤维膜,但仍未见成骨细胞;CPC植入侧6~12周界膜包绕材料,原始骨小梁形成,可见成骨细胞和破骨细胞.(2)X线显示n-HA/PA66复合材料侧骨化早于其他两侧.(3)生物力学测试:3种材料最大承载负荷比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 n-HA/PA66复合材料具有良好的生物相容性和骨传导性,具有临床实用性.



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