首页> 中文期刊> 《中国医学伦理学》 >社会主义核心价值体系融入医学生医德教育的对策研究




The content of medical ethics education is not only the knowledge transmission of doctor ethical standards, also including professional idea, career vision, occupational spirit and professional morality and other aspects of morality education system. At present, the shortage of medical ethics education is shown as: emphasis on form but not on content; emphasis on theory but not on practice; emphasis on words but not on deeds. Socialist core value system can be used to lead medical ethics education, which calls for improving medical education platform construction, improving the medical ethics education content construction, reforming education teaching means in medical students' ethical education, strengthening the teacher team construction of medical ethics education.%医德教育的内容不仅仅是医生道德规范知识的传播,还包括从业理念、从业理想、从业精神以及从业道德观等多方面的系统教育.目前医德教育的不足主要表现为:重形式,轻内容;重理论,轻实践;重言传,轻身教.以社会主义核心价值体系引领医德教育,应该完善医学生医德教育内容、健全医学生医德教育平台、改革医学生医德教育教学手段、加强医学生医德教育师资队伍建设.



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