首页> 中文期刊> 《中国妇幼健康研究》 >辅食喂养热点问题及相关研究进展




科学合理的辅食喂养不仅可以保证婴幼儿良好的生长发育,而且有利于婴幼儿形成健康的饮食习惯.世界卫生组织在2002年提出了婴幼儿全球喂养策略,建议婴幼儿应纯母乳喂养至6个月,然后继续母乳喂养的同时开始添加辅食.2007年国家卫计委出台的《婴幼儿喂养策略》提出了相同的建议.随着婴幼儿辅食喂养与健康相关研究的不断深入,世界各国婴幼儿辅食喂养指南也在不断完善和更新.该文对欧美、澳大利亚、日本和我国最新发布的婴幼儿辅食喂养指南中辅食添加时间、顺序及种类、铁的补充和食物过敏等热点问题的最新建议与相关研究进行综述,为基层开展婴幼儿辅食喂养指导提供参考.%Scientific and reasonable complementary feeding can not only ensure good growth and development of infants and young children, but help to cultivate healthy eating habits.Global Strategy for Infant and Young Children Feeding was proposed in 2002 by WHO,which suggested exclusive breastfeeding for six months for infants and nutritionally-adequate complementary foods at 6 months together with continuing breastfeeding up to 2 years of age or beyond.In 2007 similar recommendations were proposed by National Health and Family Planning Commission of People's Republic of China.As researches on infant complementary feeding and health gradually increase, many complementary feeding guidelines are updated and improved worldwide.This paper summarized guideline recommendations about timing of first introduction of complementary food, category of complementary food, iron supplements and food allergy from Europe, United States, Australia, Japan and China.Meanwhile, this paper concluded studies of the topics mentioned above to provide reference for guiding how to assist complementary feeding.



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