首页> 中文期刊> 《中国社会医学杂志》 >以服务接触理论的理念构建患者满意评价体系的探索性研究




目的 尝试运用服务接触理论思想探索构建患者满意评价体系内容与结构的方法.方法 通过叙事研究方法采集三甲医院门诊患者就医经历,采用服务接触理论对影响患者满意度的因素进行分析、归纳,在此基础上确定患者满意的各类触点,这些触点是构建评价体系内容与结构的依据.结果 在医疗服务各环节存在的服务触点有结果、过程、交流与互动3个维度,又再分为人的触点、设施的触点、信息的触点3个方面.这些触点都可成为影响满意度的因素,是构成患者满意评价体系的基本内容:如候诊环节座椅不够属于就医过程维度的设施触点,就诊环节医生态度冷淡属于交流与互动维度的人的触点,检查环节不能当天取结果属于结果维度的设施触点等.及时找出弱项服务触点并加以整改,将有效提升患者满意度.结论 根据服务接触理论整理出的各类服务触点能为构建合理有效的患者满意评价体系的具体内容和结构提供依据,叙事研究方法作为一种质性研究方法,可作为有效的患者满意度评价工具进行探索性研究阶段的信息收集.%Objectives To explore the method of constructing patients' satisfaction evaluation system by service encounter theory.Methods We used narrative inquiry method to collect the patients' experience information in Chinese Third Grade Class A hospitals and analyzed the data according to the service encounter theory.Results The service encounter at any stage of medical treatment process can become a potential factor affecting the patients' satisfaction,for example,it belongs to setting and procedure dimension that there is no enough seats available during waiting,doctor's indifferent attitude toward patients belongs to attendant and interaction dimensions,it belongs to setting and outcome dimensions that patients cannot get their clinical tests results on the same day,etc.Timely improving the weakness of service encounter can effectively increase the satisfaction of patients.Conclusions Various service touch points can provide the basis of constructing a reasonable and effective patients' satisfaction evaluation system.Narrative inquiry method proved effective and may be used as a tool to supplement questionnaire method,which can be used to collect information in exploratory research stage.



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