首页> 中文期刊>中国实用儿科杂志 >过敏性紫癜患儿肾受累的实验室指标选择与分析




探讨过敏性紫癜(HSP)肾受累情况及相关实验室指标的敏感性。方法检测HSP患儿肾功能、肾脏B超、尿常规、尿12hAddis计数及尿4项蛋白,结合临床,分析患儿肾脏受累情况及上述指标的临床价值。结果HSP患儿肾受累占42.44%。肾功能、肾脏B超、尿常规、尿12hAddis计数和尿4项蛋白的敏感性分别为5.64%、6.89%、25.84%、41.30%和76.19%。结论HSP患儿可有肾脏受累,且随着病程的延长,肾受累的发生率增加;尿4项蛋白能敏感地反映HSP肾受累情况,可作为HSP早期肾受累的敏感判断指标。%Objective To explore the kidney involvement of HSP and thesensitivity of related laboratory index. Methods The patients ' renal function, ultrosonic scan of the kidney, regular test of urine, Addis count and the quantity of the four kinds of proteins from urine were tested to analyse the condition of kidney involvement in HSP children and the clinical value of above indexes. Results The kidney involvement rate in HSP was 42.44%. The sensitivity of renal function, ultrosonic scan of the kidney, regular test of urine, Addis count and the four kinds of proteins from urine was 5.64%, 6. 89%, 25.84%, 41.30% and 76. 19% respectively. Conclusions The majority of HSP has renal involvement. The rate of the involvement increases with the course of the disease. The four proteins from urine can reflect the condition of kidney involvement sensitively and can be a sensitive index in determining the kidney involvement at early stage.



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