首页> 中文期刊>中国实用护理杂志 >芬兰护理教育的能力导向特点分析及启示



Under the background of international medical market surging in the demand for caregivers and aging of the population in Finland,in order to solve the problem of nursing personnel missing,Finland has attached importance to nursing education.By means of approving creation of international courses,increasing practical courses,raising the degree of convergence settings with the international labor market structure,adopting the Credit Transfer System to facilitate students broad flow,implementing encouraging and innovative curriculum evaluation,training academic awareness,and so on,to broaden students'career horizons and help them to achieve the career orientation as soon as possible.In this regard,our nursing education should actively learn to take reform measures to improve education quality assurance mechanisms; pay attention to the guiding role of the evaluation; enrich extensive practical course content;focus on academic awareness.%在国际医疗市场对护理人员的需求激增和芬兰老龄化的大背景下,为了解决护理人才缺失这一难题,芬兰加大了对护理教育的重视.通过开设国际化课程、增加实践类课程、实施与国际劳动力市场衔接的学位结构,采用便于学生广泛流动的学分转换系统,实施鼓励创新的课程评价,培养学术意识等开阔学生的职业视野,帮助学生尽早实现职业定向.对此,我国护理教育应予以积极借鉴,采取相应的改革措施,完善教育的质量保障机制;重视评价的导向作用;丰富实践课程的内容;注重学术意识的培养.



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