首页> 中文期刊> 《中国病理生理杂志》 >白芍总苷对小鼠实验性牙周炎血清IgG1和IgG2a水平的影响




AIM: To investigate the effect of total glucosides of paeony ( TGP ) on immune regulation in the mouse model of experimental periodontitis.METHODS: Sixty 12 - week - old male Kunming mice were randomly divided into 3 groups.The naive mice were used for control.In experimental periodontitis group, the mice were ligated by 5 -0 braided silk inoculated with putative periodontopathic bacteria around the left first maxillary molar.In periodontitis + TGP treatment group, experimental periodontitis were produced by the same way as above, and the mice were gavaged with TGP at the beginning of the fifth week after the ligature.The mice were sacrificed at week 4,6, 8 and 10.The gingival index ( GI ) and attachment loss ( AL ) were measured before the mice were executed.The histological changes of periodontal tissues were observed under microscope with hematoxylin and eosin ( HE ) staining.The serum levels of IgG1 and IgG2a in mice were determined by ELISA.RESULTS: GI in periodontitis group was significantly higher than that in control group ( P <0.05 ).GI in periodontitis + TGP treatment group was significantly lower than that in periodontitis group since the 6th week after the ligature ( P < 0.05 ).AL in periodontitis group was significantly higher than that in control group ( P <0.05 ).AL in periodontitis + TGP treatment group was significantly lower than that in periodontitis group at week 6, 8 and 10 ( P <0.05 ).The destruction of periodontal tissues in periodontitis group was more serious than that in other groups.The serum level of IgG1 in periodontitis group was significantly lower than that in the other two groups( both P <0.05 ).The serum level of IgG2a in periodontitis group was significantly higher than that in the other two groups ( both P < 0.05 ).CONCLUSION: TGP may play a significant role in periodontitis in mice by decreasing serum level of IgG2a and increasing the serum level of IgG1.%目的:观察白芍总苷(TGP)对小鼠实验性牙周炎的治疗效果,分析TGP对牙周炎的免疫调节作用.方法:采用清洁级12周龄雄性昆明小鼠60只,随机分成3组:(l)正常对照组;(2)牙周炎组:用浸有牙周致病菌的5-0丝线结扎小鼠左侧上颌第1磨牙牙颈部建立牙周炎模型;(3) TGP治疗组:同上法复制牙周炎模型,于建模后第5周开始用TGP灌胃.各组动物分别于建模后第4、6、8和10周处死,每组各时点处死动物数为5只.处死动物前测量牙龈指数(GI)和牙周附着丧失(AL);制作颊舌向牙体牙周组织联合切片,HE染色,显微镜下观察牙周组织学改变;ELISA法检测各组小鼠外周血清IgG1和IgG2a水平.结果:(1)GI改变:牙周炎组GI在各个时点均明显高于正常对照组(P<0.05),TGP治疗组GI水平从第6周起较牙周炎组显著下降(P<0.05).(2)AL改变:牙周炎组AL在各个时点明显高于正常对照组和TGP治疗组(P<0.05),TGP治疗组AL在 6、8和10周时明显低于牙周炎组(P<0.05).(3)组织学改变:牙周炎组牙周炎症破坏明显;TGP治疗组的牙周组织炎症程度较牙周炎组明显减轻,且牙周组织出现明显的修复反应.(4)血清抗体水平:与正常对照组比较,牙周炎组血清IgG1水平明显下降,IgG2a水平明显升高(均P<0.05);与牙周炎组比较,TGP治疗组血清IgG1水平明显升高(P<0.05),IgG2a水平明显下降(P<0.05).结论:TGP可能通过降低牙周炎的Th1细胞反应及提高Th2细胞反应,提高小鼠的免疫能力,减轻牙周组织的炎症程度,对牙周炎发挥治疗作用.



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