首页> 中文期刊> 《中华耳科学杂志》 >V波潜伏期差值与I-V波间期差值的关系研究




Objective To study the relationship between high/low stimulation rates ABR wave V latency differen-tial and I-V inter-peak latency differential and potential utility of wave V latency differential in diagnosing posterior cir-culation ischemia when wave I is absent. Method Seventy five subjects (male=17, female=58, mean age=48.8 ± 10.4 years, 150 ears) with normal high/low rate ABR I-V inter-peak latency differentials (≤0.28 ms) and 150 subjects (male=45, female=105, mean age=48.9 ±9.5 years, 150 ears) with abnormal I-V inter-peak latency differentials (>0.28 ms) were identified and their high (51.1/s)/low (11.1/s) rates ABR wave V latency differentials and I-V inter-peak interval differen-tials were analyzed using Pearson correlation test. Results Pearson correlation coefficient between wave V latency differ-ential and I-V inter-peak interval differential was 0.628 (P<0.001). As for comparison between wave V latency differen-tial and I-V inter-peak interval differential in diagnosis, the area under ROC (i.e. AUC) was 0.819 (P<0.001) with a corre-sponding threshold of 0.34 ms. Conclusion There is a high positive correlation and diagnostic agreement between high/low rates ABR wave V latency differential and I-V inter-peak interval differential, suggesting that the wave V latency dif-ferential can be used instead of I-V inter-peak interval differential as an alternative tool of diagnosing posterior circula-tion ischemia when wave I cannot be elicited.%目的:研究高-低刺激速率听性脑干反应(Auditory brainstem response.ABR)V波潜伏期差值与I-V波间期差值的关系,探讨在I波缺如者V波潜伏期差值法与I-V波间期差值法诊断意义的一致性。方法收集I-V波间期差值0.28ms组75例(150耳),其中男性34耳,女性116耳,平均年龄48.8±10.4岁;I-V波间期差值>0.28ms组150例(150耳),其中男性45耳,女性105耳,平均年龄48.9±9.5岁。对51.1次/s与11.1次/s的V波潜伏期差值与I-V波间期差值进行相关分析。结果 V波潜伏期差值与I-V波间期差值Pearson相关系数r=0.628,P<0.001。与I-V波间期差值法比较V波潜伏期差值法诊断一致性ROC曲线下面积AUC=0.819,P<0.001,对应的V波潜伏期差值界限值是0.34ms。结论V波潜伏期差值与I-V波间期差值具有显著正相关性和较高的诊断一致性。在I波无法引出的情况下,V波潜伏期差值法的诊断意义接近I-V波间期差值法。



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