首页> 中文期刊> 《自然杂志》 >光学超分辨荧光显微成像--2014年诺贝尔化学奖解析




Super-resolution fluorescent microscopy becomes a powerful tool for biomedical research, and extent the application of fluorescent microscopy to a brand new level. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences decided to award Erik Betzig, Stefan W. Hell and W. E. Moerner the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2014 for the development of super-resolution fluorescence microscopy. Their award proved the importance of this multidisciplinary field consist of chemistry, biology and physics. In this article, we briefly introduced the historical background of super-resolution imaging, and dissect the born and development of each techniques. Finally, the current problems and the challenges for future research were presented.%超分辨成像显微镜的出现为现代生物医学研究提供了新的强有力的工具,将荧光显微镜的应用推到了新的高度。2014年诺贝尔化学奖授予了Eric Betzig、Stefan Hell以及William Moerner三位科学家,以表彰他们在“发展超高分辨荧光显微镜”上的贡献。他们的获奖肯定了化学生物物理多学科交叉对于当今前沿科技发展的重要性。本文主要介绍了超分辨荧光显微成像诞生的历史背景,以及各成像技术的发生发展过程,最后对此技术的未来发展做了展望。



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