首页> 中文期刊> 《中国实验诊断学》 >1000例妇女宫颈人乳头瘤病毒基因分型检测结果分析




Objective To investigate the status of HPV infection and genotypes distribution of HPV of women in rnShenzhen. Methods The samples of cervial cells were detected by HPV PCR reverse dot blot hybridization genotyping rnin 1000 cases . The infection rate,genotype and age distribution in the female were analyzed. Results The total infec rntion rate of HPV in 1000 cases was 24.5%. HPV44,HPV83 and HPVMM4 were not detected in 20 genetypes. The top rnthree low risk HPV genotypes were HPV6(9.71%),HPVll(8.63%) and HPV43(7. 19%),while the top four highrnrisk HPV genotypes were HPV16(16. 19%), HPV52(11.87%), HPV58(10.43%) and HPV66(9. 35%). The infecrntion rate of HPV gene subtypes in the low-risk groups was lower than that in the high-risk groups. HPV detection rate rnin 56-65 years-old group was 31.91% ,which was the highest in the total five groups. Single HPV genotype was posirntive in 176 cases(17. 60%) ,two HPV genotypes were positive in 52 cases (5. 20% ) ,three HPV genotypes were posi rntive in 13 cases(0.13% ) ,and more than four HPV genotypes were positive in 4 cases(0.04%). Conclusion The infecrntion rate of HPV is 24.5%,single gene infection is the main subtype,which subtypes is type 16,type 52 and type 58,rnand detection rate in 56-65 years group was the highest in the total five groups. The detection of HPV-DNA is of great rnimportant in the early prevetion,diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer.%目的 了解本地区女性宫颈人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染现状和基因亚型分布情况,为预防HPV感染和宫颈癌防治提供可靠的科学依据.方法 采用HPV-PCR反向斑点杂交技术对1000名受检女性宫颈脱落细胞标本进行HPV基因分型检测,研究HPV在女性人群中的感染率、基因型别和年龄分布特点.结果 1000例标本中HPV阳性例数为245例,总感染率为24.5%,共检测出20种基因亚型,未检出基因型为44、83和MM4.低危亚型组以HPV6(9.71%)、HPV11(8.63%)和HPV43(7.19%)为主.高危亚型组以HPV16(16.19%)、HPV52(11.87%)、HPV58(10.43%)和HPV66(9.35%)为主,低危型组感染率低于高危型组.HPV感染率最高在56-65岁年龄组,检出率为31.91%.HPV基因型单项阳性176例(17.60% ),两项阳性52例(5.20%),3项阳性13例(0.13%),4项以上阳性4例(0.04%).结论 本地区HPV感染率为24.5%,以单项基因感染为主,感染的基因亚型主要以16型、52型、58型为主,56-65岁年龄组感染率高于其他年龄组.HPV分型检测在宫颈癌的早期预防、早期诊断具有重要意义.



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