首页> 中文期刊> 《中国健康教育》 >山西省县级医疗卫生机构人员吸烟状况调查




目的了解山西省县级医疗卫生机构人员吸烟行为、烟草危害知识与态度及提供戒烟服务的现状,为制定控烟干预策略提供科学依据。方法采用面对面问卷调查的方法,对山西省2011年中央补助地方烟草控制项目的18县(市、区)卫生行政部门、综合医院、中医院、妇幼保健院(站)、疾控中心和健康教育所共94个单位9637名在职职工进行调查。结果医务人员吸烟率为9.83%,其中男性吸烟率为28.82%,女性吸烟率为0.53%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=1921.23,P<0.01)。有87.00%的医务人员知晓本单位规定“不能在室内任何区域吸烟”,吸烟的医务人员中有80.10%在上班时吸烟;吸烟危害健康知识知晓率为62.82%;医生在就诊时从不或很少询问病人吸烟情况占72.10%。吸烟者与非吸烟者对吸烟危害相关知识与态度情况的知晓情况(χ2=101.88,P<0.01)和对吸烟、被动吸烟与疾病关系知识知晓情况(χ2=14.87,P<0.01)差异均有统计学意义。对“过滤嘴可以降低吸烟的危害”(P=0.000,OR=1.007,95% CI:1.005~1.105)和“外国烟的危害比国产烟的危害小”(P=0.013,OR=1.002,95% CI:1.001~1.004)知晓率高是促使不吸烟的保护因素,男性是吸烟的危险因素(P=0.000,OR=1.319,95% CI:1.303~1.335),高学历是不吸烟的保护因素(P=0.000,OR=1.023,95% CI:1.016~1.030)。结论山西省县级医疗卫生机构控烟环境尚未形成,需进一步加强医务人员烟草危害知识和技能培训,提高其控烟意识,强化控烟监督力度,推进创建无烟单位工作。%Objective To understand the status of smoking behaviors,knowledge and attitudes to tobacco among health care workers (HCWs ), and provide evidence for making strategies and prevention methods for smoking con-trol.Methods A total of 9637 HCWs from 94 medical units (Health administrative departments,General hospitals,Chi-nese medicine hospitals,Maternal and Child Health Hospitals/Stations,CDCs and Health Education Institutes) in 18 counties/cities/districts,which were included in Shanxi Province central subsidies for local tobacco control project in 2011, were investigated by face-to-face questionnaire survey method.Results Among HCWs, the overall smoking rate was 9.83%,and the smoking rate in male (28.82%)was significantly higher than that in female (0.53%,χ2 =1921.23, P<0.01).87.00% of HCWs knew the regulation“not smoking in any indoor area”in their unit.Among the smoking staff, 80.10% of them smoked during work.The awareness rate of tobacco harm only was 62.82%.72.10%of them never or rare-ly asked their patients whether smoking or not.There were significant differences between smokers and non-smokers in the hazards of smoking,knowledge and attitudes (χ2 =101.88,P<0.01)and the relationship of smoking,passive smoking (χ2 =14.87,P<0.01),the awareness of smokers were lower.The higher awareness of“filter can reduce the dangers of smoking”(P=0.000,OR=1.007,95% CI:1.005 -1.105)and “the dangers of foreign cigarettes has less harmful than domestic cigarettes”(P=0.013,OR=1.002,95% CI:1.001 -1.004)were the protective factors of non-smok-ing.Male was risk factor (P=0.000,OR=1.319,95% CI:1.303-1.335).Higher education level was protective fac-tors of non-smoking (P=0.000,OR=1.023,95% CI:1.016-1.030).Conclusion Smoking control environment in medical and health institutions of county level in Shanxi Province is not formed yet.Efforts on training of tobacco harm knowl-edge and skills of HCWs to improve tobacco control awareness should be strengthened for promoting smoke-free units.



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