首页> 中文期刊> 《胃肠病学》 >“中国结直肠肿瘤筛查、早诊早治和综合预防共识意见”解读




“中国结直肠肿瘤筛查、早诊早治和综合预防共识意见”规范了我国结直肠肿瘤早诊、早治和癌前疾病防治的医疗行为,是一部符合国情、实用性较强的综合意见,其统一了结直肠癌的病理描述,强调了早期诊断的重要性,提出了符合国情的早诊途径和方法,指出了癌前疾病防治的方法以及随诊准则,推介了内镜下早诊、早治的基本技术.此“共识意见”必将成为指导我国结直肠癌早诊、早治工作,提高我国结直肠肿瘤研究水平的重要文献.%"Chinese Consensus on Screening, Early Diagnosis, Early Therapy, and Prevention for Colorectal Cancer and Adenoma" has standardized a medical behaviour for early diagnosis, early therapy, and prevention of colorectal cancer and adenoma. It is a comprehensive overview which conforms to the Chinese circumstance and is more practical for use. The consensus has unified the pathological terms, the strategy of early diagnosis, the procedure of prevention and the follow up criteria for pre-cancer lesions as well as some basic operative techniques by colonoscopy. The consensus should be an important tool and guideline for early diagnosis and early therapy of colorectal cancer in China.



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