首页> 中文期刊> 《中国药物应用与监测》 >人血白蛋白临床不合理应用及改进措施




人血白蛋白是从健康人的血液中提取制成,主要用于治疗因烧伤、创伤引起的休克,低蛋白血症,新生儿高胆红素血症,脑水肿及损伤引起的颅压升高,肝硬化及肾病引起的水肿等。临床上,人血白蛋白存在一些不合理使用的现象,如作为营养品、提高免疫力、体液治疗等。本文通过查阅国内外相关文献,结合临床实践,探讨人血白蛋白不合理应用现象并提出相应的改进措施,如明确其临床应用指征、加强临床应用管理、开展循证医学评价、加强理论知识培训等,以期为临床合理用药提供参考。%Human serum albumin is extracted and manufactured from the blood of healthy people, which had been mainly used in conditions including shock caused by burn and trauma, hypoalbuminemia, neonate hyperbilirubinemia, intracranial hypertension caused by brain edema and injury, edema caused by liver cirrhosis and nephropathy, etc. Serious irrational use of human serum albumin, such as regarding it as nutriment, used for enhancing immunity, lfuid therapy and so on can be found in clinic. Combined with clinical investigation, the common phenomenons of irrational use of human serum albumin in clinic were discussed through reviewing literatures in recent years at home and abroad, the corresponding improvement measures were given, including distinguishing indication of clinical application, strengthening the management of clinical use, carrying out evaluation of evidence-based medicine, enforcing theory training and so on, so as to provide references for clinical rational use of human serum albumin.



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