首页> 中文期刊> 《牙体牙髓牙周病学杂志》 >正畸扭转力对成人牙髓中TNF-α活性影响的研究




AIM:To investigate the effects of orthodontic torsional force on TNF-αexpression in adult dent-al pulps. METHODS:112 maxillary first premolars in 56 adult orthodontic patients were randomly divided into exper-imental group (n=96) and control group (n=16). The teeth in experimental group were added with 4, 6, and 8 ounces orthodontic torsional force for 1, 2, 3 and 4 w respectively(n=8). At the end of the treatment, the teeth were extracted and dental pulp tissues were removed. TNF-α expression in the dental pulps were detected by ELISA. RESULTS:In 4 and 6 ounce torsional force treatment groups TNF-α expression did not show any change up to 3 w, but increased at the end of 4 w in the 2 groups(P<0. 05). However, TNF-αexpression significantly increased at the end of 2 w in the 8 ounce torsional force treatment group(P<0. 05), and decreased to control level at the end of 3 and 4 w. CONCLUSION:Torsional force may change TNF-α expression in adult dental pulp.%目的::通过TNF-α的活性变化来评价正畸扭转力对成人牙髓组织状况的影响。方法:随机选取矫治设计为拔除两侧上颌第一前磨牙的20~28岁患者56例,共112个牙,随机分为实验组( n=96)和对照组(n=16)。实验组根据交互牵引正畸扭转力值的不同又分为4、6、8盎司组,分别于加力1、2、3、4周时拔牙并取牙髓标本;对照组不加力,分别于实验组相同时间内拔牙并取牙髓标本。用光度酶联免疫分析法( ELISA)测定牙髓中TNF-α的含量及牙髓在矫治过程中的变化。结果:4、6盎司组在扭转力加载1、2、3周时TNF-α含量基本无变化;持续加载4周后,TNF-α含量增加(P<0.05)。8盎司组在持续扭转力作用2周后,TNF-α含量迅速增加到最大(P<0.05),3周时,TNF-α含量减低,与对照组相比无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论:持续扭转力过大或时间过长可能会引起牙髓TNF-α的活性变化。



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