首页> 中文期刊>大气科学 >2007年入梅期由横槽与低涡切变引发淮河流域强降水的诊断研究




Based on the methods of comparison, diagnosis and numerical calculation, the 6-hour-interval reanalysis data with 1.0°×1.0° resolution from NCEP/NCAR, station observational data, TBB (Blackbody Brightness Tem-perature) data and surface precipitation amount data are employed to analyze a special rainstorm process happened in the Huaihe River and its north during 19-20 June 2007 (the first heavy rainfall during the period of Meiyu onset). The main conclusions are as follows. (1) The obvious characteristics of rainfall both during the whole Meiyu period and during the first rainstorm process is that the rain band lies in the Huaihe River instead of the Yangtze River. Es-pecially, the strongest rainfall zone is located in the middle reach of the river near l15~E. After entering the Meiyu period, it rains firstly in Hubei and Henan provinces, which lie in the upper reach of the Huaihe River. And the rain band jumps into southern Shandong Province abnormally and quickly, which is in the north of the Huaihe River. Some reasons have been revealed to explain those characteristics mentioned above: in the area near 35°N and 115°E,various factors (stationary Meiyu front, active cold-warm air, rich water vapor and strong ascending motion caused by the interaction between high-and low-level jets) result in heavy rainfall in the middle reach of the Huaihe River (115°E) and Meiyu rain band is located to the north of the Huaihe River, near 35°N; the blocking high pressure o-ver the Huaihe River and its north is adjusted quickly and is replaced by the trough at 500 hPa, which could play an important role in heavy rainfall occurring during 19-20 June. In the lower troposphere, with the impact of fronto-genesis band and steering flow, the vortex moves northeastward and leads the rain band to jump northwards. (2)During the first rainfall process, all of 500-hPa trough, shear line and vortex caused by the shear line are important. The trough supplies active cold air and this kind of pattern is seldom found in the previous Meiyu periods. Continu-ously strengthened ascending motion is very important for the appearance of several heavy rainfall. All of these cause the heavy rainfall and floods in the Huaihe River vally. (3) Some meteorological signals (including summer mon-soon, subtropical high axes at 500 hPa over the western Pacific, blocking high, etc.) change obviously before and after entering Meiyu period in 2007. In fact, it is a transitional period of middle latitude circulation when Meiyu on-sets. (4) Dynamic factors could play more important role than thermal elements during the process of shear line cau-sing vortex. After the vortex emerges, it moves northeastward. Although this is the early phase of Meiyu rainfall rather than the typical Meiyu rainfall, meso-scale rainy clusters and cloudy clusters are still very active.%采用对比分析、诊断和数值计算的方法,运用NCEP资料、常规观测资料、卫星云图资料和地面降水资料,对2007年6月19~20日发生在淮河干流及其以北地区一次特殊的降水过程(入梅期首场强降雨)进行研究.主要结论包括:(1)该年梅雨期降水和首场降水的特点及原因:梅雨期雨带位置偏北(位于淮河流域而非长江流域),并且在115°E的中部地区降雨量最大;入梅后的降雨首先产生在淮河干流上游的湖北、河南南部地区,随后雨区迅速北跳至淮河以北的山东南部地区.分析表明,在临近35°N和115°E区域,梅雨锋强烈,冷暖空气汇集,加之充沛的水汽输送和高低空急流耦合所激发的上升运动,共同导致了115°E的中部地区产生强烈降水和汛期的雨带偏北;19~20日淮河及其以北地区阻塞形势迅速调整,其后所产生的500 hPa横槽对于首场强降水的维持起到了重要作用.低层涡旋系统沿着锋生带,在槽前气流的引导下向东北方向移动,致使雨带北跳.(2)首场降雨主要由横槽和切变线及其所引发的涡旋共同产生.高空横槽提供了较为活跃的冷空气,这种横槽形式在典型的梅雨期尚不多见,但亦值得关注.锋区和低层水汽叠加较好.上升运动的持续增强,使得不断有强降水时段出现并最终导致强降水产生.(3)该年入梅前后存在比较明显的气象信号变化(包括夏季风、副高脊线、阻塞、环流形势等),入梅期实质上是中高纬大气环流由非梅雨期特征向梅雨期特征的调整和过渡期.(4)在切变线诱生出低涡的过程中,动力作用比热力作用的影响更为显著.低涡生成后向东北方向移动,这一时期虽属梅雨起步阶段,未完全呈现典型梅雨暴雨的特征,但中尺度云团、雨团仍十分活跃.



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