首页> 中文期刊> 《中国社区医师》 >2014年1-7月长春市朝阳区68例麻疹病例分布特征分析




Objective:Through the case analysis of the distribution of our region,to understand the measles infection in our district, to summarize the experience of prevention.Methods:Three distribution of cases reported from January to July in 2014 was analyzed statistically,and the incidence was compared.Results:Measles cases fromJanuary to July in 2014 mainly were domestic and unemployed,scattered children,aged from 0 to 2 years old and 15 to 40 years old were high unimodal distribution,cases were relatively concentrated;we analyzed the case distribution from 2009 to 2014,trends of incidence of measles in 2014 and 2010 were similar,they were all high trend.Conclusion:The implementation of medical institutions in the prevention and control measures, doing case report and screening out work,implementation of comprehensive prevention and control measures,can reduce the incidence.%目的:通过我区病例分布情况分析,了解麻疹在我区发病情况,总结防治经验。方法:对2014年1-7月报告病例三间分布进行统计描述,并进行发病情况比较。结果:2014年1-7月麻疹病例均以家务及待业人员、散居儿童发病为主,年龄0~2岁及15~40岁呈高单峰分布,病例相对集中;2009-2014年病例分布上看,2014年麻疹发病趋势与2010年相似,呈高发态势。结论:落实医疗机构防控措施,做好报告病例筛查排除工作,落实综合防控措施,以降低发病率。



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