首页> 中文期刊> 《中国水利》 >基于空间分异的河湖生态保护修复类型与模式初探




河湖生态系统的空间异质性加上差异化的人类活动干扰, 使得河湖生态保护修复需要采取空间差异化的模式.在分析河湖生态保护修复空间分异的内涵与理论的基础上, 结合中国河湖生态问题特点, 将中国河湖生态保护修复分为水生态退化高风险主导型、水资源短缺主导型、水质污染主导型、空间侵占与连通阻隔主导型等4种空间分异类型, 针对每一类型及兼具多种问题的复合型区域, 提出生态保护修复的主要模式, 以期为未来中国不同区域的河湖生态保护修复工作提供参考.%The models for river-lake protection and restoration should be spatially differentiated considering the heterogeneity differentiation of river-lake ecosystem and differentiation of human activity disturbance. According to the analysis of connotation and theory of spatial differentiation for river-lake ecological conservation and restoration and features of ecology in China, four types of models are divided, including those with high risks of ecological degradation, dominated by water scarcity, dominated by water pollution and spatial occupied or with barriers for river connection. The proposed models are designed especially for each type and composite areas for ecological restoration, in order to accumulate experiences for ecological recovery of rivers and lakes in China.



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