首页> 中文期刊>中国钨业 >某高硫铜、锌、钨多金属矿选矿试验研究




某铜、锌、钨多金属矿,含硫量高,磁黄铁矿较多,锌矿物氧化率大于20%,给锌硫分离和白钨浮选带来很大的困难。研究采用优先浮铜-磁选-浮锌-浮硫,浮硫尾矿再进行白钨回收的工艺流程,选择了适宜的药剂用量,在原矿含铜0.47%、含锌0.91%、含钨0.51%、含硫21.51%的条件下,取得了获得铜精矿含铜22.89%,回收率89.21%;锌精矿含锌45.55%,回收率74.02%;白钨精矿含钨50.86%,回收率78.95%;硫的总回收率为93.06%的指标。为该矿山多金属矿石的综合开发利用提供了重要的技术依据。%Zn-S separation and Scheelite flotation are difficult to perform on A Cu-Zn-S-WO 3 polymetallic ore for its high sulfur content and pyrrhotite, high rate of zinc mineral oxidation (>20%). This paper designs a combined flotation process (Copper flotation-Magnetic separation-Zinc flotation-Sulfur flotation-Scheelite flotation) to improve the flotation index of Zn and Scheelite. Favorable recovery indexes (copper concentrate grade and recovery rate are 22.89%and 89.21%;zinc concentrate grade and recovery rate are 45.55%and 74.02%) are obtained out of the crude ore (copper grade 0.47 %, zinc grade 0.91 %, tungsten grade 0.51 %, sulphur 0.51 %). The total recovery rate of sulphur is 93.06%. The recovery indexes provide significant basis for the comprehensive utilization of the multi-metallic ore.



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