首页> 中文期刊>中国塑料 >基于相交滑块螺纹抽芯机构的军用望远镜壳体注塑模具创新设计




In view of the problems that there are multiple threaded core-pulling mechanism and the intersection of slide blocks in military telescopes,the structure of their plastic parts was first analyzed,and then a motor which drives the gear core-pulling mechanism was adopted and multiple limit switch controllers were also used to design the relevant injection mold.Such a design made the mold work in good order and also resolved the demolding difficulty.The fabricated mould exhibited a stable run cycle and an ordered motion for various sliders during the demolding process.This mould has been used for mass production,and the obtained parts gain a good quality with a process yield over 98 %.%针对军用望远镜存在多个内螺纹抽芯机构以及滑块相交的问题,在分析塑件结构的基础上,采用了电机带动齿轮传动抽芯机构,运用了多个限位开关控制器,使模具能够有序进行各项工作过程,解决了倒扣难脱模的问题.该模具运行周期稳定,众多滑块有序进行脱模,此模具已经过调试进行生产,产品质量较稳定,产品合格率达到98%以上.



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