目的 将PBL教学法引入护理英语课堂,提高英语临床沟通能力.方法 选取黑龙江中医药大学佳木斯学院15级护理专业的86名学生作为研究对象,1班45名同学为实验组,2班41名同学为对照组,将PBL教学法引入到护理英语教学中,16周后通过问卷调查和英语测试两个方面,进行对比分析.结果 实验组在医学词汇、临床英语短文听力、护理记录书写和临床护患沟通中的考试成绩和测评成绩均明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 基于临床沟通为基础的PBL教学法能够有效的提高学生的学习兴趣、课堂参与度和增加英语词汇量、提高英语临床会话沟通能力,可以在大学护理英语课堂进行推广.%Objective To introduce PBL teaching into nursing English teaching,in order to improve the ability of clinical English communication.Methods 86 nursing students of Heilongjiang University Chinese Medicine Jiamusi College were selected as the subjects.45 students of class 1 were selected as the experimental group.41 students of class 2 were selected as the control group.After 16 weeks,the changes of experimental group and control group from the questionnaire and English test aspects were compared.Results The scores of the medical vocabulary,listening clinical medical text,nursing recording and clinical nurse patient communication test in the experimental group were higher than those in the control group,with statistically significant difference (P < 0.05).Conclusion PBL teaching methods based on clinical communication can effectively improve the students' English interesting and participation,master more English medicine vocabulary and improve the English clinical conversation ability,which can be applied in college nursing English teaching.