首页> 中文期刊> 《中国考试》 >论高考体育加分政策在中学素质教育中的导向性




高考体育加分政策应充分发挥公共政策的目标导向功能。在高考体育加分政策导引下,农村普高结合自身特点,开展体育模块教学,能提高学生锻炼的积极性,促进农村普高素质教育的进一步推行。实践证明,在农村普高体育课模块教学比传统体育课更具操作性。高考体育加分政策应充分发挥其导向作用,加大政策宣传力度,扩大加分范围,降低加分分值,降低加分门槛,以广泛调动学生体育锻炼的积极性,真正促进农村中学的素质教育。%The policy for PE extra marks of college entrance examination should have the function of being goal-directed. Under the policy for PE extra marks of college entrance examination, the senior high schools in rural areas can carry out module teaching in PE lessons according to their own features .It can make the students take more active in physical activities, thus promoting the quality education in rural senior high schools. It is proved in practice that in rural areas, carrying out module teaching in PE lessons is more operable than giving traditional PE lessons. The policy for PE extra marks of college entrance examination should play a guiding role and should be advertised more widely . The scope of the kind of PE extra marks should be expanded and the bonus points and the conditions for students’obtaining the bonus points can be lowered , which will greatly motivate students to take an active part in sports and thus promote the quality education in senior high school in rural areas .



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