首页> 中文期刊> 《中州煤炭》 >我国页岩气研究概况及江苏地区潜力分析




随着能源消耗的增加,常规天然气资源逐渐减少;而基于非常规天然气资源,特别是页岩气储备量大和低碳排放的优势,越来越受到人们的关注.对国际页岩气的发展进行了概括,对我国页岩气的发展进行了研究,并对江苏省下扬子区页岩气勘探有利区进行了分析.结果表明,页岩气的发展将成为我国的战略选择,是我国向清洁能源经济模式的有效途径;我国页岩气赋存可划分为南方地区(长江以南四川、重庆、湖南、湖北、云南、贵州和广西等一带),华北和东北地区(松辽平原),西北地区(包括吐鲁番-哈密和鄂尔多斯盆地)和青藏地区5个区域.江苏下扬子区的地层沉积是连续的,褶皱和伸展断层发育良好;此区域分布有3套可形成页岩气的黑色泥页岩层系,江苏下扬子区是良好的页岩气远景区.%With the increase of energy consumption,the conventional natural gas resources are gradually reduced.Based on unconventional natural gas resources,especially the advantages of large reserves of shale gas and low carbon emissions,more and more people′s attention.In this paper,the development of shale gas was summarized,and the development of shale gas in China was studied.Finally,the favorable areas of shale gas exploration in lower Yangtze area of Jiangsu province were analyzed.The results show that the development of shale gas will become the strategic choice of our country,and it is an effective way to clean energy economy.China′s shale gas accumulation can be divided into 5 regions:the South(South Sichuan,Chongqing,Hunan,Hubei,Yunnan,Guizhou and Guangxi area in the Yangtze River),North and Northeast(Songliao plain),Northwest(including Turpan and Hami Erdos basin) and the Qinghai Tibet region.Stratigraphic deposition in the lower Yangtze area of Jiangsu is continuous,and the folds and extensional faults are well developed.There are three sets of the regional distribution of shale gas shale gas shale formation,the lower Yangtze area in Jiangsu province is a good area of shale gas.



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