首页> 中文期刊>中国电化教育 >从文化差异角度反思翻转课堂在我国学校中的应用




教育信息化的发展对教学改革产生了重大的影响,翻转课堂这一新型的教学模式正逐渐在中小学及高校普及。然而,教育是根植于文化的,任何国家的教育发展和教育改革都深受其文化传统的制约。翻转课堂作为一种教学模式,其教学效果与学习者及教育者的特征紧密联系,而不同文化背景下的学习者及教育者在认知风格、思维方式、教育观念等方面都存在差异,这些差异将会影响翻转课堂教学效益的发挥,该文旨在从文化差异的角度探究翻转课堂在我国学校中的适用性,并提出进一步促进教学效果的措施。%The development of e-Education had a major effect on teaching reform. As a new teaching model, the lfipping classroom gradually spread in primary, secondary schools and universities. However, education is rooted in culture and its development and reform are constrained by cultural tradition. The teaching effectiveness of this teaching mode is closely associated with the characteristics of learners and educators, which are distinct in cognitive style, ways of thinking, and educational philosophy among different cultural backgrounds, these differences may affect the teaching effectiveness of the lfipping classroom. This paper is trying to study the applicability of lfipping classroom in China from the perspective of cultural differences, and to provide some speciifc measures to facilitate the success of the new teaching mode.



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