首页> 中文期刊>中国电化教育 >城乡中小学生使用互联网学习现状的对比分析——基于CFPS2016数据




为更好地实现信息技术与教育的深度融合在促进教育公平和实现优质教育资源广泛共享方面发挥的重大作用,该文基于CFPS2016数据,分析了中小学生使用互联网学习的城乡差异状况.结果表明,与使用互联网社交和娱乐相比,中小学生使用互联网学习的频率相对较低,城乡差距较大;对互联网学习、获取信息重要性的认知是影响互联网学习的重要因素,但在互联网获取信息重要性的认知方面,城乡中小学生存在较大差异;使用Heckman两阶段法估计互联网学习频率的城乡差异,得到的结果不显著,表明能否上网是造成城乡小学生使用互联网学习频率存在差异的主要因素之一.最后,结合研究发现,提出了几点促进教育信息化发展和缩小城乡差异的建议.%In order better realize the important role of deep integration of information technology and education in promoting education fairness and the wide sharing of high quality education resources based on the data of CFPS2016, this paper analyzes the difference of Internet learning by primary and secondary school students in urban and rural. The results show that compared with the use of the Internet social and entertainment, the frequency of Internet learning is lower and the gap between urban and rural areas is larger. The cognition on Internet learning and access to information are important factors affecting Internet learning. There is a big difference in cognition of the importance of getting information between primary and secondary students in urban and rural areas. The regression of urban-rural differences in estimating the frequency of internet learning is not significant by using Heckman two-stage method, indicating that the availability of Internet is the cause of urban-rural differences. Finally, according to the findings, we put forward some suggestions to promote the development of education information and reduce the urban-rural differences.



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