首页> 中文期刊> 《中国继续医学教育》 >两种带教方式在口腔外科实习教学中的效果比较




医学实习带教存在个别带教和集中带教两种方式。前者优势在于师生关系比较融洽,能够较好地实现因材施教和教学相长;后者能够使学员的实习培训更加规范统一,使学员接触更多的病例和治疗方式。对口腔外科实习学员分组进行个别带教和集中带教,通过问卷调查、理论和实践考核对比实习教学效果,结果显示个别带教对学员实践操作的培养优于集中带教组。建议在口腔实习教学中提倡以个别带教为主,集中培训、集中讲评为辅的带教模式。%There are two kinds of teaching modes in medical internship, individual teaching and collective teaching. The former is more harmonious between teachers and students, which could enable the teacher to provide a learning plan for each student. The latter can make the internship training more standardized and uniifed so that the students can see more cases and treatment methods. In this study, the students were divided into two groups when they were interned in the department of oral surgery. Through the questionnaire survey, the basic and practice examination, the results showed that the operation ability of students in the individual teaching group was significantly better than that in the collective teaching group. Therefore, it proposed that the oral internship teaching could be based on individual teaching with the help of collective training and evacuation.



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