首页> 中文期刊> 《中国酿造》 >K-卡拉胶酶海洋Cellulophaga lytica strain N5-2的最佳培养条件研究

K-卡拉胶酶海洋Cellulophaga lytica strain N5-2的最佳培养条件研究



微生物产酶是一个复杂的生理生化过程,不同的培养条件直接影响了菌的代谢,从而影响酶的产量和活力.因此,对培养条件进行优化是提高酶产量的前提.采用单因素实验对培养基配方、培养条件进行优化.确定该菌株产酶的最适培养基配方为(w/v)无机盐为2% NaCl、0.05% MgSO4·7H2O、0.02% CaCl2、0.1% KH2PO4、0.002% FeSO4、碳源为0.2%κ-卡拉胶、氮源为0.3%蛋白胨.最佳培养条件为装液量为50mL/250mL,接种量为4%,培养温度35℃,100r/min培养16h.优化后酶活最高可达0.25U/mL,较优化前提高了8.3倍,为获得大量的κ-卡拉胶酶进行更深入地研究提供了实验基础和理论依据.%Microbial enzyme production is a complex physiological and biochemical process, and different cultivation conditions directly affect the metabolism of bacteria, which thus affects enzyme production and activity. Optimization of cultivation conditions was a prerequisite to improve enzyme production. The medium formula and fermentation conditions were optimized by single factor experiments. The best medium formula was as follows: NaCl 2%, MgSO4·7H2O 0.05%, CaCl2 0.02%, KH2PO4 0.1%, FeSO4 0.002%, 0.2% K-carrageenan as carbon source, 0.3% peptone as nitrogen source. The optimal cultivation conditions were as follows: filling volume 50ml/250ml flask, inoculum size 4%, culture temperature 35t, 100r/min cultivated for 16h. Under these conditions, enzyme activity was 0.25U/ml, which was 8.3 times as that of the original conditions. It provided the experimental foundation and theoretical basis for large quantity of K-carrageenase and further study.



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