首页> 中文期刊>体育科技文献通报 >对江苏省公务员参与体育健身活动的现状调查与分析Investigation and Analysis of Present Situation of Civil Servants

对江苏省公务员参与体育健身活动的现状调查与分析Investigation and Analysis of Present Situation of Civil Servants



This article uses the method of questionnaire,literature,interview etc.Takingthe awareness of civil servants of sports fitness in Jiangsu province,the form of civil servantsparticipating in sports activities,the main factors influences the civil servants participating in sports activities,the main form of civil servants participating in sports and the civil servants'sports consumption as entry points.Exploring and analyzing the status of civil servants to participate in fitness activities in Jiangsu province,proposing theimprovement of civil servants in Jiangsu province,and providing the reference for promoting the development of the civil servants sports activities in Jiangsu province sports.%本文运用问卷调查、文献资料、访谈等方法,以江苏省公务员的体育健身意识状况、公务员参与体育活动的形式、影响公务员参与体育活动的主要因素、公务员参与体育运动的主要形式、公务员的体育消费等情况为切入点,对江苏省公务员参与健身活动的现状进行探究与分析,并对改善江苏省公务员体育健身活动提出了建议,为促进江苏省公务员体育发展提供参考。



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