首页> 中文期刊> 《电力系统自动化》 >基于Storm的智能电网广域测量系统数据实时加密




In order to solve the problem of data security in the wide-area measurement system (WAMS) of smart grid,the characteristics of the existing data encryption solutions are analyzed.In consideration of the characteristics of massive data as well as high real-time requirement of WAMS,a distributed real-time platform Storm is introduced into processing real-time encryption of large-scale data.A WAMS data storage system based on cloud platform is designed,and the Storm framework based advanced encryption standard(AES)algorithm is then positioned on top of the storage system.The algorithm is mainly divided into three steps of data collection,fast parallel data encryption and cloud storage of encrypted results.The procedures are implemented in the Storm predefined programming components.Comparisons of experimental results have verified that the algorithm proposed is characterized by low latency and high encryption efficiency.%针对智能电网广域测量系统(WAMS)数据的安全问题,分析了现有数据加密方案的特点。结合 WAMS数据量大、实时性要求高的特点,引入 Storm 分布式实时计算平台进行 WAMS 数据的实时加密处理。设计了基于云平台的WAMS数据存储系统,并在此系统之上设计了基于Storm框架的高级加密标准(AES)算法。该算法将加密过程分为数据接入、快速并行数据加密及加密结果云存储等几个过程,并在Storm预定义的编程组件中进行了编程实现。通过对比分析,验证了所提出方案具有低延迟、加密效率高等特点。



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