首页> 中文期刊> 《汽车与安全》 >密路网、窄马路、小街区时代的城市交通管理策略研究




Due to imbalance road network system, low density of local road networks, too wide widths of major and col ector roads, too many gated and large communities, insufficient supply of road resources in Chinese cities, which has led to serious contradiction of vehicle-road demand and supply. In order to discuss the chal enges and oppor tunities for traffic management offered by the block system reform proposed on the Central Urban Work Conference, the paper reviews domestic and foreign experiences of the block system development, focuses on typical problems of urban road network in Chinese cities, then gives suggestions based on three aspects of“safe, orderly and unimpeded”.%我国城市既有路网体系失衡、密度过低,主次干路尺度过宽,封闭管理的小区过多、面积过大、道路资源供给不达标等情况,导致了车路供需矛盾日趋严重。为探讨中央城市工作会议提出的街区制改革给交通管理工作带来的机遇和挑战,本文梳理总结了国内外街区制发展的经验,并针对我国城市路网存在的典型问题,从“安全、有序、畅通”三个维度提出了相应的措施建议。



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