首页> 中文期刊>地域研究与开发 >城市公园游憩行为的性别差异--以广州人民公园为例




Taking Guangzhou People ’s Park as a study case, through field observation and questionnaire , this research analyzes the gender differences in urban park ’s recreational behavior .The result shows that in terms of rec -reational behavior and social character , there are obvious differences between male and female .Comparing with male, female’s recreational behavior in public space has a strong linkage with their social expectation , especially for their family duty, they tend to stay in the safer and more crowded places with more open views , they tend to use the more cost-saving transport modes, they use the recreational space in a more regular base .Finally, this paper proposes a serious of suggestions to improve the equality and humanity in urban park ’s planning and design, including to pro-vide public goods with a more flexible means , and to arrange recreational spaces according to walking distance .%以广州市人民公园为研究对象,通过实地踏勘和问卷调查,利用统计与观察分析方法解剖城市公园游憩行为的性别差异特征。在游憩者的行为和社会特征方面,两性之间存在明显差异;女性的公园游憩行为与其社会分工特别是家庭责任紧密联系;女性因对安全性的要求高而趋向视线开敞的集体区域活动,男性因要求独立性而趋向在有视线遮挡的区域活动,且男性同性恋活动区域对女性形成了一定的活动抑制;女性对出行距离较为敏感,而男性独自出行游憩的比例更高;女性对城市游憩空间的需求趋于稳定、有规律,也凸显了公园对女性日常生活的重要性。基于公平性与人性化原则提出相应的城市公园规划设计对策,特别应对公共设施进行细致而灵活的设计,以适应使用者的性别差异性;并应按照步行尺度进行游憩场所的规划布局,以保障女性就近游憩的需求。



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