首页> 中文期刊>地域研究与开发 >非物质文化遗产旅游开发风险评价--以天津市为例




Protecting and inheriting the intangible cultural heritage by means of tourism development has been generally recognized and practiced , while the risks were seldom realized .Based on the risk identification of tourism development of intangible cultural heritage , the article built a risk evaluation model for tourism development of in -tangible cultural heritage employing fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and evaluated the risks of tourism de -velopment of three types of intangible cultural heritage , namely traditional performance, art and craft, and folk cus-tom in Tianjin.The result reveals that intangible cultural heritage in Tianjin undertakes a lower level of risk in tourism development; risks of tourism development of different types of intangible cultural heritage are different , that of the folk custom is the highest , that of art and craft is lower, and that of traditional perform is lowest ; the ob-ject risk of the three types are all very high , the environment risk is relatively lower, and the subject risk is lowest. Different level of concern should be concentrated on in the process of tourism development of different types of in -tangible cultural heritage.%在对非物质文化遗产旅游开发风险识别的基础上,通过模糊评价法建立多级模糊综合评价模型,对天津传统表演艺术、工艺美术和民俗三类主要的非物质文化遗产旅游开发风险进行评价。天津非物质文化遗产旅游开发风险整体处于较低水平,适宜旅游开发;不同类型的非物质文化遗产旅游开发风险不同,民俗类旅游开发风险最高,工艺美术类次之,传统表演艺术类最低;三类非物质文化遗产旅游开发的客体风险都很高,环境风险相对较低,主体风险最低。在开发过程中应对不同类型的非物质文化遗产的各类风险予以不同程度的关注。



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