首页> 中文期刊>地域研究与开发 >秦岭国家自然保护区“生态贫民”劳动力转移模式研究




通过问卷调查法对秦岭国家自然保护区内“生态贫民”剩余劳动力现状及其原因进行了调查。现阶段制约秦岭保护区内“生态贫民”劳动力实现有效转移的因素主要包括:“生态贫民”整体受教育程度与职业技能水平相对较低,针对“生态贫民”的帮扶力度较差,推动秦岭保护区内“生态贫民”实现有效转移的政策不完善等。可持续发展模式为解决“生态贫民”剩余劳动力问题提供了一种新的视角,建议秦岭国家自然保护区内劳动力转移应综合分析中国市场的承受力、岗位的基本需求、政府的财政支持与政策支持能力等影响因素,以推动自然保护区内剩余劳动力转移模式的形成,实现剩余劳动力的充分转移与就业。%The current study investigated the situation of the surplus laborers and the reasons about the “eco-poor” via questionnaire.As a result, the main restrict factors for the “eco-poor” labor’s transfer currently in na-tional reserve include the lower education level and occupational skills of the “eco-poor”, the underdevelopment of the help system, the imperfection policy for promoting to transfer the “eco-poor” in national reserve and so on.The sustainable development mode provided a new perspective to address the surplus labors problem .Hence, for the is-sue of national natural reserve labor transfer , the analysis should be conducted on the strength of the Chinese mar -ket, the basic requirements of jobs, the government’s financial support and policy support capabilities etc .in a whole, in order to promote the formation of labor transfer mode in national natural reserve , and realize surplus la-bors’ full transfer and employment.



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