首页> 中文期刊> 《建筑学报》 >墨菲研究补阙:以雅礼、铭贤二校为例




针对墨菲的研究还存在很多未涉及的领域,需要在个案研究、人物与机构、思想观念等3方面继续深入.以雅礼大学和铭贤学校为例,依据耶鲁大学、欧柏林学院及他处所藏档案与文献,澄清之前研究中的若干漏失,研究墨菲设计思想的来源及发展、两处方案形成过程及其对墨菲整个职业生涯的影响,对墨菲的执业经历及其历史贡献的认识也有所改变:传教士对雅礼建筑风格的确定起到关键作用,而该项目的委托与校内最重要的两处建筑均源出墨菲的合伙人丹纳,后者则反映了墨菲在华经历与美国本土的联系.所举二例说明了占有一手档案资料与细读文本对建筑历史研究的重要意义,同时提出应在整体史观下开展比较研究,使对建筑师的历史研究能够真正丰满起来,具有张力.%Several crucial things have been largely missed in previous research on Henry Murphy,e.g.the study on substantial processes of design and construction of particular building(s),that on personnel and institutions,and that on the origins and evolution of design philosophies.Based on the case studies of the College of Yale-in-China and the School of Oberlinin-Shansi,the paper ventures at clarifications of previously neglected issues to examine the origins and development of Murphy's adaptive architecture,the design processes of the two schools and their place in Murphy's professional career in China,contributing to a better understanding of Murphy's practices.The paper hence contends for exhaustive acquisition and thorough understanding of first-hand materials with a holistic vision for comparative study,to enrich the study of architects in modern China.



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