首页> 中文期刊> 《计算机应用研究》 >基于个体局部交互作用的舆情传播模型研究




By taking into account individuals' interaction behaviors in social networks, this paper presented a new opinion spreading model based on the possibility that accepting neighbors' opinions. The model supposes there were two kinds of opinions in the systems: agree and disagree, and there were two kinds of persons hold their unchangeable opinions. The third kind of person discussed with a random selected neighbor, and accepted his/her opinion with a possibility. The simulation and theoretical results show that, in the final state, the percentage of the persons with different opinions is constant, which depends on the initial state and irrelevant with the accepted possibility. This work indicates that the initial state is very important for the opinion spreading.%考虑社会网络中的个体局部交互作用,提出一种新的舆情传播模型,细致地考虑了个体意见接收概率对于舆情传播的影响.假设系统中每个个体的意见由两种状态组成,如同意或反对.系统中存在两组持有不同意见的人群,他们分别对自己的意见深信不疑,从不改变.第三组人群在单位时间内随机选择一个邻居进行交流,并以某个概率接受该邻居的意见,解析结果和数值模拟显示并且最终状态时,持有两种观点人群的比例只与初始状态中持不同意见的两组人群的比例有关,而与接收概率无关,说明舆情传播中初始人群的规模非常重要.



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