首页> 中文期刊> 《分析仪器》 >多光谱 CCD 相机几何标定技术研究

多光谱 CCD 相机几何标定技术研究



多光谱CCD相机的技术特点是利用不同遥感谱段获得同一目标图像,通过不同谱段图像的组合,获取地物目标的物理特性。为了使多光谱CCD相机同时还具备测绘功能,能对获取的地物目标进行精确定位,发射前需要在实验室对多光谱CCD相机的几何参数进行精确标定。多光谱CCD相机几何标定是相机研制过程中的关键环节,是确定相机在惯性坐标系中姿态的必不可少的关键技术。本文着重介绍了多光谱CCD相机几何标定设备、标定方法和标定精度。多次标定结果表明:主距的标定精度优于10μm (1σ),主点的标定精度优于2.1μm (1σ),畸变的标定精度优于1.5μm (1σ),满足多光谱CCD相机几何标定精度的要求。%Technical characteristics of multispectral CCD camera obtains the same target by different remote sensing multispectral image ,it gets the physical characteristics of ground object target through a combination of the different spectrum images.In order to make the multispectral CCD camera having map-ping function at the same time ,getting accurate position of the ground object target ,geometric parameters of multispectral camera is calibrated accurately before launch in the laborratory. T he geometric calibration of multispectral CCD camera is the key link in the development of camera ,it is the key technology of deter-mining the attitude of camera in the inertial coordinate system. Calibration results show that the focal cali-bration accuracy is less than 10μm(1σ) ,the point calibration accuracy is less than 2.1μm(1σ)and the dis-tortion calibration accuracy is less than 1.5μm(1σ) ,the method is fit for the request of accuracy geometric calibration of multispectral CCD camera.



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