首页> 中文期刊> 《农业科技与装备》 >北方春玉米优势区耕地质量状况及变化趋势




以北方春玉米优势区43个国家级耕地质量监测点的监测数据为基础,全面分析区域内耕地土壤理化性状。结果表明,2006—2010年,北方春玉米优势区耕地土壤的有机质和全氮含量稳中略升,有效磷含量上升明显,碱解氮和速效钾含量有所下降,pH值较为稳定,耕地总体质量稳中有升。%On the basis of the monitoring data on spring maize advantage areas in northern china from 43 national farmland quality monitoring points,the physical and chemical properties of the soil in these areas are analyzed.The results show that there is a stable rise in the organic contents and the total nitrogen content,there is an obvious increase in available phosphorus,there is a decrease in the contents of alkaline hydrolysis nitrogen and available potassium,while the Ph value is stabilized in spring maize advantage areas in the north of China from 2006 to 2010,which shows that there is an overall rise in the farmland quality in these areas.



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