首页> 中文期刊>航空兵器 >基于模糊控制的舰载机着舰指挥官引导系统建模




为保证航母舰载机着舰安全性,提出了一种基于模糊控制的舰载机着舰指挥官( Landing Signal Officer , LSO)引导决策系统建模方法。通过分析舰载机着舰过程安全影响因素,明确飞行状态变化量,总结LSO引导决策特点,针对LSO自身特点和工作原理,结合模糊控制理论,分别设计舰载机着舰指挥官横纵向回路模糊控制规则,建立LSO横纵向回路控制模型,评价指令优先级,最终完成LSO着舰引导综合决策系统模型的建立。数值仿真结果表明,利用模糊控制原理建立的LSO综合着舰引导模型,输出指令符合真实情况下着舰指挥官的实际操作指令,为舰载机着舰安全性的提高提供了帮助。%To ensure the landing safety of carrier-based aircraft , the paper proposes an approach for the landing signal officer ( LSO) guide decision system modeling based on fuzzy control .The safety factors in the landing process are analyzed , and LSO’ s characteristics and working principle are considered .To establish LSO horizontal and vertical fuzzy controller respectively ,the integrated guide decision system model with the fuzzy intelligent control is finished .Simulation results show that the output instructions which come from the model established by fuzzy control principle , meet the actual operating instructions of LSO in the real case .It plays an important role for safety of carrier -based aircraft landing .



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