首页> 中文期刊> 《土壤学报》 >水网地区水稻土的含硒量及根外施硒对糙米硒含量的影响




本文通过对嘉善县平原水稻土硒含量特征和该区水稻硒含量之间关系的调查研究表明:(1)嘉善县平原水稻土,水溶态硒含量低于一般水稻土水溶态硒的临界值(0.010μg/g),这与该区的土壤母质、地形等因素相关;(2)低硒水稻土制约了水稻对硒的吸收积累,因此该县出产的稻米硒含量亦普遍较低,平均含硒量低于粮食硒的正常含量范围(0.040~0.070μg/g);(3)水稻地上各部分含硒量存在差异,糠、秸秆中的含硒量高于糙米,还发现早稻的糙米、糠、秸秆中的含硒量均低于晚稻相应各部分的含硒量;(4)通过喷施适量硒盐,可改善稻米的硒含量,喷施期以齐穗期效果最佳,且早稻效果优于晚稻。%From a three-year fix-location field experiment, the research work on the Se content of paddy soil and effect of foliage spray of Se-compound on the Se content of rice in Jiashan plain, the author found that:(l) The water soluble Se of paddy soil in Jiashan plain, resulting from the low contents of the total Se of paddy soil, was below critical value (0.01μg/g). It was significantly related to parent material and geomorphological factors etc; (2) The absorption of Se by rice was restricted by low water soluble Se of paddy soil, resulting in the rice Se reduction in this region. The average of rice grain Se was lower than the normal food Se contents (0.040~0.070μg/g);(3) The above-ground organs of rice contain different amounts of Se: the Se contents in the bran and the straw were higher than those of both early and late rice grain; the Se contents in the groin, bran and straw of the early rice were lower than those of the late rice, respectivey; (4) By spraying 20μg/g Se compounds during the different rice growth stages the Se contents in the grain, bran and straw were increased, and the Se contents of the grain finally met normal standards of Se contents in food. The best time to spraying Se-compound was at the full spik stage, and effect on early rice is better than that on late rice.



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