首页> 中文期刊> 《水生生物学报》 >大麻哈鱼胚胎耳石微结构及其群体环境标记




This study marked the eyed egg otoliths of chum salmon from Heilongjiang river and Suifenhe river, by regulating the environment temperature periodically and sustainedly. This experiment consisted of 4 groups:1 for con-trol, 2 and 3 for regulatling temperature groups and 4 for the group exposed to the open air for a stretch of time. 10000 chum salmon eyed eggs were used in the experiment. The otoliths of chum salmon formed as primordium at the begin-ning of eyed egg stage and the initial daily growth ring, made up of dark and bright calcium zone, which began to sur-round the core 5 days later and the daily increment width was (2.6±0.15)μm. Under the proper environmental condition, 30 daily growth rings would be formed during the embryo period, and we corroborated the daily growth ring in sagitta and lapillus. Otoliths marking experiment was conducted when the daily growth ring was stable. With the environmental water temperature changed periodically, the embryo otolith formed the marking area. The picture of daily growth ring, with the darker and brighter stripe and the different daily increment, which was marked by artificial regulating tem-perature, was different from the natural daily increment, and the rate of marking reached 100%. This experiment ob-tained precision marking pictures, established fishes otoliths marking and distinquishing technology, which was suited to artificial propagation marking in reproduction and stocking assess for salmons such as chum salmon et al. As the safe, effective, and cheap marking technology, fish otoliths marking method would be used in fish artificial reproduction and stocking widely.%采用人工调控环境方法对黑龙江、绥芬河大麻哈鱼发眼期胚胎群体耳石日轮进行周期性持续标记。实验分4组:1组为对照组,2-3组为变温标记组,4组为“暴气”-变温标记组,实验用发眼卵1.2万粒。待胚胎发育至耳石日轮结构形成后实施标记。实验胚胎耳石随着标记期间环境周期性变化及其持续的时间,形成相应变化节律的日轮标记区。获得各实验组设定环境的日轮标记图谱。人工环境标记的耳石日轮图谱,暗带色度加深,明带亮度增大,并可形成生长轮距不同的标记轮,与对照组耳石微结构有明显区别,标记率达到100%。初步建立鱼类耳石标记及其识别技术,适用于大麻哈鱼等鲑鳟鱼类群体标记。作为安全有效、成本低廉的群体标记技术方法,鱼类耳石日轮标记在鱼类资源评估和增殖放流效果评价中将会得到广泛应用。



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